Friday, April 3, 2015

"c" is for coconut, in many variations

I'm loving coconut and coconut water and coconut milk and coconut oil. I'm "cuckoo for coconuts." Once again, fats that were labeled "bad" turn out to be "good" for our bodies (see "F" post for more on fats).

Now I put coconut shreds in my oatmeal, yogurt, smoothies. I drink coconut water straight (on the beach in Aruba would be my favorite place to drink it right out of the green shell) and put it in my smoothies. I like coconut milk to thicken sweet things, including my smoothies (have I mentioned that I drink smoothies most days? see the "S" post for more).

But coconut oil has become my new favorite food item. Because not only can I cook with it, but I can use it on my skin.


  1. Coconut oil is the best. And now I have the Line in the Coconut running through my head!

    Good luck with the 2015 A to Z Challenge!
    A to Z Co-Host S. L. Hennessy

  2. The only thing I like about coconut is the smell (I love suntan lotion that smells like coconut). I'm ready to read your next post!
