Thursday, April 30, 2015

"z" is for zuccini


Zucchini and Yellow Squash are staples in the summer here in the South. They tend to overflow from backyard gardens and farmers' markets. They're wonderful sautéed with onions, battered and fried, or grilled on skewers with other veggies and chicken. Yum! But, my new favorite thing to do with Zucchini is to SPIRAL IT!

My new SPIRALIFE (or is it Spiralizer or Spiraler?) is a really cool contraption. You stick the zucchini in it and get ribbons or noodles of veg! Put it on my plate, cover it with tomato sauce and meatballs, and I actually like it BETTER THAN PASTA! Really! I might put the 'noodles' in a sieve and hold it over the sauce as it cooks, just to steam them a little bit. But, it seems more flavorful than pasta, and certainly not the caloric minefield that pasta can be!

Have you spiraled any veggies lately?


  1. Don't think I've had one before. From the way you wrote this, I guessing it would be fun.
    Congrats on making it through the challenge. Enjoyed reading your posts. Cheers

    1. I highly recommend - it's fun and healthy! Thanks for the encouragement!

  2. I encourage you to spiral regularly - it's fun and a nice change of pace. How wonderful would it be to FRY spirals? I must try!

  3. I want one of these! We always go a little zucchini crazy over here in the fall. I typically make a pile of zucchini bread with it all (I think I average about 12 loaves a year), but I'd like to try to make pasta noodles out of it. Great A to Z Jane! Glad I was able to join along with you. Congratulations! Elle @ Erratic Project Junkie

  4. I am stopping today on the A to Z Road Trip. This is such an awesome gadget. I have just recently heard about zucchini noodles. Have to give them a try. Great job with the challenge.
